Co-infections: Babesia
Babesia is caused by a protozoan, closely related to the protozoan that causes malaria.
Babesia & malaria are both caused by protozoans that reproduce inside red blood cells and destroy them.
A very common co-infection with Lyme.
Many members of our Lyme Association have babesia.
Nationally reportable as of January, 2011.
Found in cattle in Miami County, Kansas forty years ago.
Not known to affect humans in this area of the country until recently.
At onset of Lyme (8 days or more after tick bite):
High fever and chills in some patients
Severe fatigue
Global headaches, like a hat is too tight
Body aches, muscle pain
Fevers of up to 104 degrees
Chills, sweats, especially night sweats
Eye pain
Breathing problems, “air hunger”
Occasional dry cough
Poor balance
Hemolytic anemia
Babesia and Lyme
A combination of babesia and Lyme makes both diseases much worse.
Both diseases suppress the immune system and make it more difficult to recover.
Babesia enables the Lyme bacteria to survive Lyme treatment.
Lyme disease spirochetes cycle and cause a Herx every 4 to 6 weeks.
Babesia cycles every 4 to 6 days.
Babesia Blood Trasnfusion Risks
Many people infected are healthy and don’t know they carry babesia.
Babesia is unknowingly being transmitted through blood transfusions.
At least 9 people in the U.S. have died after receiving babesia-infected blood.
There are no tests to screen donated blood for babesia.
CDC recommends babesia patients not donate blood.
Wise for people who get a lot of tick bites to refrain from donating blood.
Lyme disease can also survive in stored blood, as can agents of some other tick-borne diseases.
Babesia Blood Smear
A blood smear can show protozoans in red blood cells. However, a person may be ill with only a few red blood cells infected, and there may be none visible in the sample being viewed. A negative test does not rule out babesia.